Drag cards to stack them.
Any lower card can be stacked on top of a higher card (equal ranks work too).
Once cards are stacked, you can move whole stacks together.
(you can put anything into an empty column)
To play a hand, grab a stack of up to 5 cards and drag it into the circle.
Then, left-click it to confirm, or right-click to cancel.
When you play a hand:
(monsters reduced to zero are defeated, remaining ones return to the table)
You get bonus and
cards of the same suit, same rank or consecutive ranks.
You can combine different combo types in one hand.
(you can check the full combo list by hovering over the )
Demons get bored easily. Each time you move or flip a card, the demon clock advances.
Once it gets far enough, the demon starts nibbling on your soul:
(the current move cost is shown as blood drops inside the clock)
You can appease the demon a bit by playing a hand.
Playing anything, even a single card, turns the clock back by 3 segments.
It's even better when you defeat a monster
the demon clock resets completely and new cards are revealed.
You can also click cards to flip them face up, but that costs precious moves.
Hovering over most things gives you more information about them.
Cards are an exception: to inspect them, hold the right mouse button over them.
Your character comes with special skills.
To use a skill, drag it to a target.
If no target is needed, just click the skill.
Using a skill costs power
with each use.
Get more power
To complete the first floor:
(on later floors, check win conditions by hovering over the lock)
Go play the game now!
You should have enough information to make you dangerous, and you can probably figure the rest out in-game, checking tooltips or returning to this guide whenever something is unclear.
Or you can keep scrolling for more detailed information:
Unused and
carry over to the next hand, but they also fade over time.
Each move you make reduces both stats by 2.
Once you get to 0, you are at death's door.
You cannot move or flip cards in this state, but you can still play them.
(perhaps a to heal yourself!)
If you get hit while already at 0, your quest is over.
After each completed floor, you get to improve your character.
First, you can add or replace some cards in your hero deck.
Then, you can spend gold to acquire new skills.
One way to get gold is by defeating monsters.
The carried by a monster is shown at the bottom of its card.
(big monsters usually carry more)
Another source of gold is playing treasure cards.
The bigger the treasure stack you play, the more you get for it.
Don't be too greedy: treasure only stacks with other treasure, so it can clog your board and make playing other cards harder.
On later floors, you'll encounter elite monsters.
They have fancy golden frames and special abilities.
Hold the right mouse button over the monster to see what it does.
On the final floor, your treasure cards will be replaced with sellswords.
They're similar to treasure, but provide
(you're gonna need it!)
Hover over the icon to see
which face-down cards remain on the table.
Hover over the icon to see
available card combos and their scoring.
Click the icon to access the in-game menu.
Try to get as many combos as possible - without them you'll quickly run out of steam.
Five-card combos are especially valuable, but you can also get a lot of
Look for opportunities to use your skills early.
The best time to use many of them is before you're in big trouble.
If you can use a skill to get a better combo, it's usually worth it.
Keep your eye on the move cost, but don't worry too much.
Enjoy the game and good luck in the Solitomb!